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Learn how to Work with Gravity for a Shorter Birth!
Gain essential childbirth preparation skills and natural pain coping techniques that will build your confidence in your own birthing ability and wisdom. Dance your way to a happier healthier pregnancy and a quicker and easier birth and a more content baby.
Learn moves inspired by world dance forms such as Bellydance, African dance, Latin dance and interpretive movement. We encourage you to experience class before and after the arrival of your baby. This feel good class was designed to celebrate women, their bodies, their babies and one another!
No Experience Necessary!
Weekly Classes include:
~ Relaxation
~ Pelvic Floor
~ Positioning
~ Baby Welcome Dance
Call Joanna 713-298-0838
Gain essential childbirth preparation skills and natural pain coping techniques that will build your confidence in your own birthing ability and wisdom. Dance your way to a happier healthier pregnancy and a quicker and easier birth and a more content baby.
Learn moves inspired by world dance forms such as Bellydance, African dance, Latin dance and interpretive movement. We encourage you to experience class before and after the arrival of your baby. This feel good class was designed to celebrate women, their bodies, their babies and one another!
No Experience Necessary!
Weekly Classes include:
~ Relaxation
~ Pelvic Floor
~ Positioning
~ Baby Welcome Dance
Call Joanna 713-298-0838
"Paris Sumrall is the wife, mom of two breastfed children, Founder, Ceo and Breastfeeding Advocate of Lacta Mommy LLC. Her passion is to celebrate, encourage, and educate all moms during their pregnancy and breastfeeding journey. All while bringing awareness to pregnant mothers the importance and abundance of benefits for breastfeeding their baby. The following services she provides: Virtual Lactation Consultations w/ International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant, Lactation Cookies/Mixes to help promote a healthy milk supply, Facebook Breastfeeding Support Group and Free Breastfeeding Education via Lacta Mommy social media platforms."
Connect/Shop With Us: Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: (855) 928-3733 Facebook: Lacta Mommy LLC Instagram: @lactamommyllc |
Hey Mamma, do you need help with your milk supply?
Hypnobirthing® and Hypnomothering® 6 Class Series
Gain essential childbirth preparation skills and natural pain coping techniques that will build your confidence in your own birthing ability and wisdom. Dance your way to a happier healthier pregnancy and a quicker and easier birth and a more content baby. Learn moves inspired by world dance forms such as Bellydance, African dance, Latin dance and interpretive movement. We encourage you to experience class before and after the arrival of your baby. This feel good class was designed to celebrate women, their bodies, their babies and one another! We are happy to offer these classes to expecting Houston moms. No Experience Necessary! Classes inclde:
Babies Welcome! If you plan to bring your baby I suggest bringing a wrap or carrier so you can dance with your baby securely! * Bring water and wear comfortable clothes you can move in! * Monthly I will have an all gender partner class to be announced. For More Info on Dancing For Birth Classes go to: Email Joanna Zepeda at [email protected] or call (713) 298-0838. |